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Frequently asked questions


Does the policy provide cover for Covid-19?

This Policy will not cover claims directly or indirectly arising from, relating to or in any way connected with the Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) or any mutation or variation of COVID-19 except for Medical Expenses and Repatriation claims provided You are not travelling in, to or through any area to which the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has advised against "all travel" or "all but essential travel". We will not therefore cover claims relating to any inability to travel, any decision not to travel or any changes to travel plans as a result of COVID-19 or any mutation or variation of Covid-19.


What if I have a medical emergency abroad?

Contact Chubb Assistance on +44 (0) 20 3305 9094, 24/7, 365 days.

Do I have to pay medical expenses and claim them back or will you pay them directly?

If it's a medical emergency and you are admitted to hospital, after cover is confirmed, our emergency assistance service will guarantee the fees of the hospital and attending doctor(s) - so you don't have to pay. In cases where the expenses are small, you may opt to pay, or be asked to pay, and claim the money back. Please talk to our emergency assistance service, unless the case is very minor, and they will decide what to do.

We will not pay for any expenses not covered by our policy.

About the Underwriter

Who underwrites AIB Travel Insurance?

AIB Travel Insurance is arranged, administered and underwritten by Chubb European Group SE. Chubb European Group SE (CEG) is a Societas Europaea, a public company registered in accordance with the corporate law of the European Union. Members' liability is limited. CEG is headquartered in France and governed by the provisions of the French insurance code. Risks falling within the European Economic Area are underwritten by CEG, which is authorised and regulated by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority. Registered company number: 450 327 374 RCS Nanterre. Registered office: La Tour Carpe Diem, 31 Place des Corolles, Esplanade Nord, 92400 Courbevoie, France. Fully paid share capital of €896,176,662.

CEG's UK branch is registered in England & Wales under UK Establishment number: BR023093. UK Establishment address: 100 Leadenhall Street, London EC3A 3BP. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request. Details about our authorisation can be found on the Financial Conduct Authority's website (FS Register number 820988). Details about the extent of our regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request. You can find details about the firm by searching ‘Chubb European Group SE’ online at


What is the maximum age that this insurance covers?

Single trip
AIB Travel Insurance Single trip policies do not have an upper age limit.

Annual multi trip
AIB Travel Insurance policies are only available for customers who are 74 years of age or under.

If you are specifically looking for a policy covering those over the age of 74, you may be able to find a broker local to you who can provide the cover you would like by visiting or by calling 0370 950 1790 (9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday).

I am under 18 - can I buy your policy?

Policy holders must be at least 18. You can only be covered as an insured person under your parent's or grandparent's policy.

Business trips

Can I buy this policy to cover a business related trip?

Yes, AIB Travel Insurance offers an optional cover extension for business trips which can be bought at the same time as the basic policy.


How many children can I insure under your policy?

You can insure up to 7 children. Children includes your children, your partner’s children and the grandchildren of you or your partner, to include step children, step grandchildren and fostered or adopted children or grandchildren, each of whom must be:

  • under 18 years old (or under 23 years old if still in full-time education) on the date you purchase cover; and
  • financially dependent on you or your partner (or in the case of grandchildren dependent on you or your partner or their parent(s)) even if they do not live with either you or your partner (or in the case of grandchildren, with either you or your partner or their parent(s)); and
  • not be married or living with a partner.

I have a child over 18 who still lives at home and is in full time education, can we cover him/her under our policy?

Yes, provided he or she is under 23 years of age.

We have a policy that includes cover for our children, but they live away from home during term time at college. Are they covered?

As long as your children or your partner's children are not older than 18 years on the day you buy your policy (or under 23 years if still in full-time education) and are financially dependent on you, they are covered - whether they live with you or not. But, there are restrictions on their ability to travel without you or your partner.

Can children insured under a policy travel on their own?

Yes, but only if you have bought our annual multi trip policy. If the child is named on your annual multi trip policy they are covered whilst they are travelling on their own in the following circumstances:

  • in the company of an adult (i.e someone not defined as a child under this insurance) you or your partner know, or on an organised school, college or university trip
  • travelling on a scheduled air service as an unaccompanied minor, but only if that air service operates an unaccompanied minor scheme, and only if they are travelling with the intention of joining, or being subsequently joined by, another adult insured under the policy upon arrival at the destination.

  • They are not covered whilst travelling on their own in any other circumstances.

Commission Disclosure

How are AIB and Chubb's agents paid in relation to the sale of your policy?

Chubb pays AIB a commission for each policy sale from your insurance premium paid to us. Chubb also pays its sales agents fixed fees for administration and sales activity from your insurance premium paid to us.


How can I make a complaint?

We operate a comprehensive complaints procedure.

General cover questions

How many days am I actually covered per year under your annual policy?

Our Annual Multi Trip policy covers you for individual trips of up to 31 consecutive days, for a maximum of 90 days in total. If you select our Winter Sports option, you will be covered up to 21 days per Period of Insurance whilst you participate in Winter Sports either abroad or in the United Kingdom.

Do the limits under the policy apply per person or per policy?

You are covered separately up to the limits shown in the Table of Benefits. The policy limits apply in the same way as they would if you had each taken separate policies. Some benefits are restricted for children under 16 years of age - see our full Policy Document for details.

Am I covered for holidays in the United Kingdom?

Yes, provided you have bought an annual multi trip policy. You must spend at least two nights in accommodation you booked before your departure. So a weekend break involving two nights in a hotel would be covered, but a day out and overnight stop wouldn't. If you have bought a single trip policy you will not be covered for holidays in the United Kingdom. Whichever policy you buy, some benefits are not payable for holidays in the United Kingdom. See the Policy Document for full details.

What am I not covered for?

We have highlighted what we believe are the most important exclusions in the Insurance Product Information Document, and on the statements we ask you to confirm before you buy our cover. It is not possible for us to list everything you will not be covered for, so you should read the full Policy Document. If you have any doubts about what is not covered, please contact us.

Insurance from Travel Agents

My travel agent wants me to buy insurance from them. What should I do?

Make sure you have your policy details, including policy number and Policy Document, to hand when booking your trip. Your travel agent is trying to make sure that you are not travelling uninsured, and that you have adequate cover. You simply need to provide them with evidence that you are insured. AIB Travel Insurance meets the benefit levels recommended by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, and should satisfy any criteria required by your travel agent.

Medical conditions

I have a medical condition, can I be covered?

This is dependent on your declaration to us. Before you buy a policy, we will ask you to confirm that you have accurately declared all pre-existing medical conditions (that meet the criteria set out in 1. and 2. below) for every person to be insured on this policy by answering the following question:

Do you or any person to be covered under this insurance have any pre-existing medical conditions?

Please select "Yes" if you or anyone to be insured under this policy:

1. Has, in the last 5 years, been diagnosed or treated for:

  • Any circulatory condition, including stroke or high blood pressure; or
  • Any form of diabetes, cancer or brain tumour; or
  • Any heart-related condition, including angina or heart attack; or
  • Any psychiatric or psychological condition, including anxiety, stress or depression.

2. Has, in the last 2 years, in relation to any diagnosed medical condition:

  • Stayed in hospital, had surgery, or seen a specialist or consultant; or
  • Been prescribed medication, whether taking it or not; or
  • Been under investigation or awaiting referral, treatment or results.

If you answer "yes" to this question, we will ask you to provide us with further information about all of your conditions.

There may be occasions when we are not able to provide cover.

There is additional information with the questions to help you. However, if you are still unsure about whether you need to tell us about a condition, cannot find your condition listed, or would like to discuss your conditions, you can call us on 0800 519 9942 and we'll be happy to assist.

Failure to provide complete and accurate information may lead to you not being correctly covered and a claim being declined.

Can I declare some, but not all, of my medical conditions and still buy AIB Travel Insurance?

No, you will need to provide us with information about all of your medical conditions. Before you buy a policy, we will ask you to confirm that you have accurately declared all pre-existing medical conditions (that meet the criteria set out in 1. and 2. below) for every person to be insured on this policy by answering the following question:

Do you or any person to be covered under this insurance have any pre-existing medical conditions?

Please select "Yes" if you or anyone to be insured under this policy:

1. Has, in the last 5 years, been diagnosed or treated for:

  • Any circulatory condition, including stroke or high blood pressure; or
  • Any form of diabetes, cancer or brain tumour; or
  • Any heart-related condition, including angina or heart attack; or
  • Any psychiatric or psychological condition, including anxiety, stress or depression.

2. Has, in the last 2 years, in relation to any diagnosed medical condition:

  • Stayed in hospital, had surgery, or seen a specialist or consultant; or
  • Been prescribed medication, whether taking it or not; or
  • Been under investigation or awaiting referral, treatment or results.

If you answer "yes" to this question, we will ask you to provide us with further information about all of your conditions.

There may be occasions when we are not able to provide cover.

There is additional information with the questions to help you. However, if you are still unsure about whether you need to tell us about a condition, cannot find your condition listed, or would like to discuss your conditions, you can call us on 0800 519 9942 and we'll be happy to assist.

Failure to provide complete and accurate information may lead to you not being correctly covered and a claim being declined.

I currently take or have in the past taken prescribed medication (including antibiotics), can I be covered?

This is dependent on your declaration to us. You will need to provide us with information about all diagnosed medical conditions for which you have been prescribed medication (including antibiotics) in the last 2 years, whether taking it or not.

There may be occasions when we are not able to provide cover.

There is additional information with the questions to help you. However, if you are still unsure about whether you need to tell us about a condition, cannot find your condition listed, or would like to discuss your conditions, you can call us on 0800 519 9942 and we'll be happy to assist.

Failure to provide complete and accurate information may lead to you not being correctly covered and a claim being declined.

I am waiting for an appointment for medical treatment or investigations, can I be covered?

This is dependent on your declaration to us. You will need to tell us about any diagnosed medical condition for which in the last 2 years you have been under investigation or are awaiting referral, treatment or results.

There may be occasions when we are not able to provide cover.

There is additional information with the questions to help you. However, if you are still unsure about whether you need to tell us about a condition, cannot find your condition listed, or would like to discuss your conditions, you can call us 0800 519 9942 and we’d be happy to assist.

Failure to provide complete and accurate information may lead to you not being correctly covered and a claim being declined.

I have recently received medical care in a hospital and/or been treated in A&E - can I be covered?

This is dependent on your declaration to us. You will need to provide us with information about the reason why you were treated in A&E and if you stayed in hospital, had surgery or saw a specialist or consultant in relation to any diagnosed condition.

There may be occasions when we are not able to provide cover.

There is additional information with the questions to help you. However, if you are still unsure about whether you need to tell us about a condition, cannot find your condition listed, or would like to discuss your conditions, you can call us 0800 519 9942 and we’d be happy to assist.

Failure to provide complete and accurate information may lead to you not being correctly covered and a claim being declined.

What is a diagnosed medical condition?

A diagnosed medical condition means any condition that a Doctor/Qualified General Medical Practitioner has advised is being suffered by you or any person to be insured under this policy.

What is an undiagnosed medical condition?

An undiagnosed medical condition includes any condition for which you or any person to be insured under this policy are awaiting investigation, referral or results but where you or any person to be insured under this policy have not been diagnosed with a medical condition by a Doctor/General Medical Practitioner.


How can I pay?

You may pay online using a valid credit card or debit card. Alternatively, you can contact us to purchase by telephone. You will still need a valid credit or debit card to buy over the phone.

Policy arrangements

Can I get instant cover and policy documents - I'm travelling today?

As soon as your credit card or debit card details have been validated, your cover will be confirmed on screen, and to the email address you have provided. You can also choose to get an SMS with cover details to your mobile. Provided you have your policy number, emergency number and claims number, you have all the basic information you need.

Please note that the email will provide your Policy Number, Policy Schedule, Insurance Product Information Document and Policy Document, detailing the terms, conditions, restrictions and exclusions.

If you apply online, you will have the opportunity to print and/or download your Policy Schedule, which details who is covered, the cover you have chosen and extensions that apply; however if you would like a copy posted you will need to contact us.

If you buy a policy over the telephone your Policy Schedule, Insurance Product Information Document and Policy Document will be emailed to you.

When does my cover begin?

If you are buying a single trip policy, your cover begins instantly. If you are buying an annual multi trip policy, you can choose when your cover begins. If you have already booked a holiday, and have no other travel insurance arrangements in force, you should ensure your policy starts immediately, so you are covered for cancellation.

What happens if my flight is delayed beyond the insurance period?

If your flight is delayed on your return journey and you do not get back into the country until after your policy has expired, your cover will continue until your airline can get you home, up to a maximum of 14 days.

Can I change my policy?

If you need to add winter sports cover or other optional cover extension options you can call 0800 519 9942 or 01412852309. Provided you are not on holiday at the time, your policy will be cancelled and you will be given an appropriate return of premium and a new policy arranged for you.

What happens when my annual multi trip policy expires?

You will be sent a reminder 28 days before your policy expires, with an opportunity to apply for another policy. It is important you review the cover provided to ensure the policy continues to meet your needs.

If you want your new annual multi-trip policy to follow on from your existing policy, then you will need to set the start date of your new annual multi-trip policy to start on the date immediately after your existing policy expires. For example, if your existing annual multi-trip policy expires on 31st January, then you will need to set your new annual multi-trip policy to start on 1st February.


I am pregnant - will I be covered?

You will be covered for costs relating to complications in pregnancy. If you are travelling between 28 and 35 (inclusive) weeks pregnant, any Medical Expenses incurred due to complications in pregnancy will be paid provided you obtained confirmation from a doctor no earlier than 5 days before your journey began that you were fit to travel abroad.


What is meant by the term UK resident?

Someone who has been living in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, or the Isle of Man, or one of the Channel Islands) for at least 6 months prior to the date cover is applied for.

I am a UK resident but my partner has a non-UK passport, can we purchase a policy to cover us as a couple?

Yes, provided you are both resident in the United Kingdom and your partner is your spouse or a person of either sex with whom you have been living with for at least three months as though they were your spouse.

I live overseas. Can I buy AIB Travel Insurance?

Only United Kingdom residents can buy insurance from this website.

Single direction journeys

I am going to live abroad and am not returning to the United Kingdom. Can I buy a travel insurance policy?

Sorry, our policy does not cover single direction trips or non-United Kingdom residents. Trips must begin and end in the United Kingdom and you must be resident here.

I am starting my journey from another country, but returning to the United Kingdom after 28 days. Will your policy cover me?

Sorry, trips must begin and end in the United Kingdom.


What If I am caught up in a act of terrorism whilst on holiday?

Providing you are passively/innocently caught up and not actively participating in any act of terrorism. We will provide indemnity under the Medical Expenses and Personal Accident sections of the policy.

Travelling in, to or from Cuba

Am I covered to travel in, to or from Cuba?

AIB Travel Insurance does not provide cover for any travel to Cuba.

This means that AIB Travel Insurance will not pay any claims:

  1. arising out of or relating to any travel to, from or in Cuba or any travel which starts, ends or has a scheduled stop in Cuba;
  2. arising out of or relating to any Person Insured whose main residence is in Cuba; and/or
  3. which would result in the insurer being in breach of United Nations resolutions or trade or economic sanctions or other laws of the European Union, United Kingdom, or United States of America.

You should contact us for clarification of Policy cover for travel to countries which may be subject to United Nations resolutions or trade or economic sanctions or other laws of the European Union, United Kingdom, or United States of America.

Treatment in Australia

What should I do if I require medical treatment in Australia?

Australia has a reciprocal healthcare agreement with the UK, which means that UK residents are able to get some healthcare services without charge while visiting Australia.

Treatment at public hospitals is free but you'll have to pay for:

  • treatment at most doctors’ surgeries,
  • prescribed medicines,
  • ambulance travel,
  • dental treatment.

You must register with Medicare if You require medical treatment in Australia. Some treatment charges may be partially refunded by the Medicare scheme.

Unable to Quote

Why won't AIB Travel Insurance allow me to buy a policy?

There may be occasions where the combination of quote details selected and the medical conditions declared means that we can't offer AIB Travel Insurance.

You may be able to find a broker local to you who can provide the cover you need by visiting

We also can't offer AIB Travel Insurance if you don't live permanently in the UK, are not in the UK when purchasing the policy, have been diagnosed with a terminal condition or are travelling to obtain medical treatment or against medical advice.

Car Hire Excess Cover

What is Car Hire Excess Cover?

When you hire a car in Europe or the UK, your rental agreement should include a Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and cover for Third Party Liability and Theft. There is normally an excess applicable to the CDW and Theft part of the agreements which you would be liable to pay in the event of a claim. Our Car Hire Excess cover is designed to allow you to claim back the costs of this excess up to £4,000 for one incident and £5,000 overall limit.

Who can be covered by the Car Hire Excess add on?

We can cover the insured person and one additional person between the ages of 21 and 74

Does adding Car Hire Excess cover to my annual multi trip travel insurance mean that I can use it multiple times throughout the year?

Yes - If you purchase the Car Hire Excess waiver at the same time as your annual travel insurance policy, it is valid until that policy expires. Please note that if you cancel your AIB Travel Insurance policy mid term the Car Hire Excess Waiver will also be cancelled. Therefore the Excess Waiver is only valid as long as your travel insurance policy is still active.

I already have travel insurance with another company, can I just purchase the Car Hire Excess Waiver?

Unfortunately no, this product is only available as an add on for AIB Travel Insurance customers who are traveling within Europe. The waiver must be purchased at the same time as the travel insurance policy.

Are motorbikes, camper vans, caravans, and other types of vehicle also covered?

No, a motor home, camper van, trailer or caravan, commercial vehicle or truck, motorcycle, moped, motorbike, off-road vehicle, recreational vehicle, high performance vehicle, prestige or exotic vehicle, passenger van or other vehicle with more than 9 seats is NOT covered.

What countries does AIB cover under a European Travel Policy?

Europe is defined as the following in our policy wording: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madeira, Mediterranean Island (including Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Gozo, Crete, Rhodes and other Greek Islands, Northern and Southern Cyprus), Moldova, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom (annual policies only, when at least 2 nights accomodation are pre-booked), Isle of Man, the Channel Islands.

I am travelling outside of Europe, can I still purchase the Car Hire Excess Cover?

Unfortunately not. This offer is only valid to customers who are travelling within Europe.

Who is the underwriter of the Car Hire Excess?

The Car Hire Excess Waiver is underwritten by is arranged, administered and underwritten by Chubb European Group SE. Chubb European Group SE (CEG) is a Societas Europaea, a public company registered in accordance with the corporate law of the European Union. Members' liability is limited. CEG is headquartered in France and governed by the provisions of the French insurance code. Risks falling within the European Economic Area are underwritten by CEG, which is authorised and regulated by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority. Registered company number: 450 327 374 RCS Nanterre. Registered office: La Tour Carpe Diem, 31 Place des Corolles, Esplanade Nord, 92400 Courbevoie, France. Fully paid share capital of €896,176,662.

CEG's UK branch is registered in England & Wales under UK Establishment number: BR023093. UK Establishment address: 100 Leadenhall Street, London EC3A 3BP. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request. Details about our authorisation can be found on the Financial Conduct Authority's website (FS Register number 820988). Details about the extent of our regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request. You can find details about the firm by searching ‘Chubb European Group SE’ online at

My credit card provider already covers my Collision Damage Waiver - Do I really need extra cover?

Please ensure that you read the terms and conditions of the policy that is provided as a benefit of your credit card carefully to establish the level of cover it has. This should determine if it covers is extended to the country that you are travelling to, and whether or not there is an Excess( non waiver, deductible) on the policy.

Do car rental companies not offer this to me at their service desks already? If so why should I choose AIB instead?

Yes they do. However, the excess waivers offered by car rental companies tend to be quite expensive and may not offer the same scope of cover as this one does. This option also provides cover for up to £5,000 in any one year and cover starts from as little as £2.99/£49.99 per day/year.