Medical conditions
It's important to tell us about all pre-existing medical conditions that meet the criteria set out in 1. and 2. below, otherwise your policy may be invalid which could result in all or part of a claim being declined.
You do not need to tell us about any
Do you or any person to be insured under this policy have any pre-existing medical conditions?
Please select "Yes" if you or anyone to be insured under this policy:
Has, in the last 5 years, been diagnosed or treated for:
- Any circulatory condition, including stroke or high blood pressure; or
- Any form of diabetes, cancer or brain tumour; or
- Any heart related condition, including angina or heart attack; or
- Any psychiatric or psychological condition, including anxiety, stress or depression.
Has, in the last 2 years, in relation to any
- Stayed in hospital, had surgery, or seen a specialist or consultant; or
- Been prescribed medication, whether taking it or not; or
- Been under investigation or awaiting referral, treatment or results.