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Emergency Assistance

AIB (NI) Healthcare+ Holiday Travel Insurance

In the event of a medical emergency abroad, you must contact your Private Medical Insurance (PMI) provider using the contact details they provide in their policy. They will be responsible for handling your medical expenses claim until medical or repatriation costs exceed their policy limit.

If your costs exceed 50% of your PMI policy limit, you must contact us immediately on 0800 519 994. If you are not sure how to make a claim, or you have any questions you can contact us.

All other Travel Insurance covers

In the event of a medical emergency abroad you must contact Chubb assistance on +44 (0) 203 305 9094. Chubb Assistance can help you with medical advice, payment of medical bills abroad and arrange for you to be brought home if this is medically necessary.

Chubb Assistance will guarantee the fees of the hospital and attending doctor(s), so generally, you don’t pay for your costs and them claim them back from us. In cases where the expenses are small, you may opt to pay, or be asked to pay, and claim the money back. Please talk to our emergency assistance service, unless the case is very minor, and they will decide what to do.

Medical Treatment in Europe

Before you travel to Europe, you should obtain a GHIC (Global Health Insurance Card). The GHIC replaces the E111 form. If you require medical treatment in Europe and use a GHIC, we will waive any policy excess that would apply to your medical expenses cover.

A GHIC entitles you to reduced-cost, or free, medical treatment that becomes necessary while you’re in a European Economic Area (EEA) country or in Switzerland.

The EEA consists of the European Union (EU) countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Switzerland applies the GHIC arrangements through an agreement with the EU.

For more information or to apply for your free GHIC visit the Department of Health website.

Medical Treatment in Australia

If you require medical treatment in Australia, you must register for treatment with Medicare. If you do not, we may reject your claim or reduce the amount we pay to you. Medicare is Australia’s equivalent of the National Health Service.

Australia operates a reciprocal health agreement with the UK where you must enrol in Medicare to get free public hospital treatment. For more information visit the Department of Health website.